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Distinct Campaigns and Additional Individual Battle Honours

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Distinct Campaigns and Additional Individual Battle Honours


1. Seven Years' War (1756–1763)

  1. Minden (1759)

  2. Quebec (1759)

  3. Martinique (1762)

  4. Havannah (1762)

2. American War of Independence (1775–1783)

  1. Brandywine (1777)

  2. Germantown (1777)

  3. Saratoga (1777)

  4. Charleston (1780)

  5. North America (1775–1781)

3. French Revolutionary Wars (1792–1802)

  1. Nieuport (1793)

  2. St. Lucia (1794)

  3. Martinique (1794)

  4. Dominica (1805)

4. Napoleonic Wars (1803–1815)

  1. Montevideo (1807)

  2. Copenhagen (1807)

  3. Rolica (1808)

  4. Vimeiro (1808)

  5. Corunna (1809)

  6. Talavera (1809)

  7. Busaco (1810)

  8. Fuentes d'Onoro (1811)

  9. Albuhera (1811)

  10. Badajoz (1812)

  11. Ciudad Rodrigo (1812)

  12. Salamanca (1812)

  13. Vittoria (1813)

  14. Pyrenees (1813)

  15. Nivelle (1813)

  16. Nive (1813)

  17. Orthes (1814)

  18. Toulouse (1814)

  19. Waterloo (1815)

5. Anglo-Maratha Wars (1817–1819)

  1. Kirkee (1817)

  2. Poona (1817)

  3. Ava (1826)

6. First Afghan War (1839–1842)

  1. Ghazni (1839)

  2. Kandahar (1842)

  3. Cabool (1842)

7. First Sikh War (1845–1846)

  1. Aliwal (1846)

  2. Sobraon (1846)

8. Crimean War (1854–1856)

  1. Alma (1854)

  2. Inkerman (1854)

  3. Sevastopol (1854–1855)

9. Indian Mutiny (1857–1859)

  1. Delhi (1857)

  2. Lucknow (1857)

  3. Cawnpore (1857)

10. Second Afghan War (1878–1880)

  1. Kabul (1879)

  2. Kandahar (1880)

11. Zulu War (1879)

  1. Kambula (1879)

  2. Ulundi (1879)

12. Anglo-Egyptian War (1882)

  1. Tel-el-Kebir (1882)

13. Sudan Campaign (1885)

  1. Suakin (1885)

14. Second Boer War (1899–1902)

  1. Belmont (1899)

  2. Modder River (1899)

  3. Paardeberg (1900)

  4. Poplar Grove (1900)

  5. Driefontein (1900)

  6. Diamond Hill (1900)

  7. Relief of Ladysmith (1900)

  8. South Africa (1899-1902)

15. World War I (1914–1918)

Western Front

61. Mons (1914)

62. Le Cateau (1914)

63. Marne (1914)

64. Aisne (1914)

65. La Bassée (1914)

66. Armentières (1914)

67. Ypres (1914, 1915, 1917, 1918)

68. First Ypres (1914)

69. Second Ypres (1915)

70. Third Ypres (Passchendaele, 1917)

71. Fourth Ypres (1918)

72. Neuve Chapelle (1915)

73. Loos (1915) 74. Somme (1916, 1918)

75. Arras (1917, 1918)

76. Cambrai (1917, 1918)

77. Hindenburg Line (1918)

78. Pursuit to Mons (1918)


Middle Eastern Front

79. Gallipoli (1915)

80. Kut al Amara (1916)

81. Baghdad (1917)

82. Palestine (1917-1918)

16. World War II (1939–1945)

North Africa

83. El Alamein (1942)

84. Tobruk (1941)

85. Gazala (1942)

86. Tunisia (1943)



87. Monte Cassino (1944)

88. Anzio (1944)

89. Gothic Line (1944)


North-West Europe

90. Normandy Landings (D-Day, 1944)

91. Caen (1944)

92. Falaise (1944)

93. Arnhem (1944)

94. Rhine Crossing (1945)

95. Bremen (1945)

Other Campaigns

96. Greece (1941)

97. Crete (1941)

98. Norway (1940)

17. Post-War Campaigns

  1. Malaya (1948–1960)

  2. Korea (1950–1953)

  3. Aden (1964–1967)

  4. Northern Ireland (1969–1998)


Additional Individual Battle Honours

Here is an extended list of additional individual battle honours awarded to the Royal Green Jackets:

  1. Barrosa (1811)

  2. Vera (1813)

  3. Tarifa (1812)

  4. Peninsula (1808–1814)

  5. Mysore (1789-1792)

  6. Carnatic (1746-1749)

  7. Seringapatam (1799)

  8. Nagpore (1817)

  9. Cape of Good Hope (1806)

  10. Java (1811)

  11. Ava (1826)

  12. Punniar (1843)

  13. Meeanee (1843)

  14. Mooltan (1849)

  15. Sicily (1806–1815)

  16. Egypt (1801)

  17. Guadaloupe (1810)

  18. Waterloo (1815)

  19. Cape Colony (1899–1902)

  20. Transvaal (1899–1902)

  21. Relief of Kimberley (1900)

  22. Paardeberg (1900)

  23. Relief of Ladysmith (1900)

  24. Relief of Mafeking (1900)

  25. Orange Free State (1899–1902)

  26. Wittebergen (1900)

  27. Ferozepore (1846)

  28. Hangu (1878)

  29. Malakand (1897)

  30. Harmandi (1917)

  31. Ramadi (1917)

  32. Tigris (1917)

  33. Medina (1917)

  34. Ur (1918)

  35. Kirkuk (1918)

  36. Baghdad (1917)

  37. San Carlos (1982)

  38. Mount Longdon (1982)

  39. Goose Green (1982)

  40. Tumbledown (1982)

  41. Suez (1956)

  42. Borneo (1965)

  43. Brunei (1965)

  44. Sierra Leone (2000)

  45. Iraq (2003–2011)

  46. Afghanistan (2001–present)

  47. Bosnia (1992–1995)

  48. Kosovo (1999)

  49. Gulf War (1990–1991)

  50. Operation Shader (Iraq/Syria)

  51. Operation Shader (2014-present)

  52. Operation Shader (2020)

  53. Operation Shader (2021)

  54. Operation Shader (2022)

  55. Operation Shader (2023)

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